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#1 2014-09-03 22:23:46



Zarejestrowany: 2014-09-03
Posty: 6
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[Preview]L2Citadel Hellbound [OFF]


L2Citadel is the only Lineage II Hellbound private server based on official files.
These files are privately developed and unlike other private server projects we have full access to all functionalities (both scripts and core!).
This gives us the opportunity to offer you a unique low rate retail like gaming experience!

Platform: Hellbound [OFF] (privately developed)

L2Citadel will start with a retail-like low rate server:
XP: 5x
SP: 5x
DROP: 5x

Party exp: retail (from 30 to 72%)

Unique account panel with access to ingame data!
A small grab of features currently in development are:
- View stats
- view inventory
- view warehouse
- web based auction house
- web based item mail service

Retail like events, automated pvp events (LMS, tvT etc) and GM events (quiz, hide & seek)
Increased rates for vital quests
Custom AntiBot (BlackWatch) blocks all known bots
Server time zone/Location: Western Europe (GMT+1 / France)
Anti-ddos protection (professional) up to 500 Gbps!

Read more..

- Our project is currently in Closed Beta and will remain so until our files are ready for the general public.
Closed Beta will be followed with an extensive Open Beta to both show our excellence to the public and tune our files to perfection.
Live of our first server will be scheduled approximately 1 month after the start of Open Beta.

Yes, we are different then other projects out there!
Not only due to the fact we have privately developed files rather then an off the shelf package that everyone can just buy and run but also due to our dedication; our server will probably be up and running for 6 months before it is shown to the public.
Unfortunately I can say that in this time and era most private servers don't even have a live span of 6 months in total, let alone an up time of 6 months BEFORE going live.

Do we ask you to clear your agenda's at this stage? As there is no definite date for Closed Beta or Live yet, we certainly do not.
Just know there's still serious projects out there that run Lineage II servers because they like to, not because they need to supplement their income!
Do you have suggestions? Join our forum and share them with us! We like the input of the community and although we can probably not satisfy everyone we will try our utter best!

Follow us on Facebook!


#2 2014-10-01 10:45:21



Zarejestrowany: 2014-09-03
Posty: 6
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Re: [Preview]L2Citadel Hellbound [OFF]

26-09 Update:

Adding Blackwatch V1( we want to revision certain things before anyones live) + Modular Event System.
This is huuuuge chunks of coding, and it took a long while - even more to get HB client ready cause HB client is apparently retarded.

There's also some updates from all month, but they're small and misc i geuss.
Well get back to clearing logs of bugs as normal.

The modular event system has a new format, pvpevent.ini is deprecated and eventdata.txt is used.
There are 2 types of events - lms & ctf.
You create a event template + instancezone in Instantzonedata, name it the event, and config all params used etc.
Then you create a timer for when it starts - allowing multiple events of the same event.

They should be self explanatory - and for now please with these 2 modular events do not change the formatting\order of params (well revise that).

Secondly a [Client] folder has been added with Blackwatch.
Which is required if switched on in HBExt.ini.

You can rename and import the dll as you see fit - there's no real limits.
If you don't know how to import a dll to a PE Import Table, google it.

Following beta new GM commands are added:

//ban_hwid - usage: [charname] [secondstoban]
//unban_hwid - usage: [charname]
//see_hwid - usage: [charname] - user must be online

Enabled=1; Enables Blackwatch on serverside - allowing only blackwatch clients to connect.
UseHWID=1; Enables HWID to be accepted by server thru blackwatch - and enables BW GM commands.

[Core  - DLL Updates]:
- Added Blackwatch Client & Serverside V1.
- Finished Modular event system ,see comments, pvpevent.ini deprecated.
- Added CTF Event type (beta)
- Removed Fame from gameworld logic (Beta, test fully).

[Script - .txt + HTML]:
- Fixed Dynasty Leather Mail - Sword Master Stats.
- Removed Skill: Expert Casting
- Fixed Enchants System Messages
- Fixed Teleports for Level 1.
- Removed Lifestones 82/84 from gameworld.
- Removed Ghost of Wigoth Quest.
- Removed from Looted Goods: Arcana Sigil etc.
- Fixed HTML on merciless punishment quest.
- Fixed Premium Caravan Certificate Ammounts.
- Fixed Valakas Necklace stats
- Fixed Infinity Scepter stats
- Fixed Song of Champion stats
- Removed Herb of Vitality from Game Drops.

30/09 update

[Core - DLL Updates]
- Fixed Herb Decay Times with IgnoreHerbs= switch in HBExt.ini
- Fixed Magic Damage to not be randomized - Gracia Alike.
- Fixed Dyes Packets (last ones) - for window lists.
- Fixed Attack Speed \ Casting Speed Cap - See HBExt.ini under Gameplay Logic for configuration.
- Fixed Invinceble skilltypes cancelling when used upon agression.
- Removed gamelogic for Outpost skills being added during siege.

[Script - .txt & HTML Updates]
- Fixed Reuse Delay for 99% of skills.
- Re-Added NPC Lucas after woopsie.
- Fixed 1st class change htmls.
- Fixed 12 Kamael Skills soul consumption - see thread.
- Fixed Dynasty + Icarus Recipes (A ton, see thread).
- Removed Territory War NPCS from Gameworld.
- Removed Territory War from HTML Options.
- Fixed Shadai Multisell from Gracia++ items and spelling mistake.
- Fixed several Toggle Skills MP Consumption - See Thread.
- Fixed Archers Will & Fighters Will - effects\stats.
- Reworked Protection of Rune\Elemental\Alignment power effect levels.
- Fixed Focus Attack - to be HB alike.
- Fixed Song of Champion
- Fixed Valakas Necklace... again.
- Fixed NPC Hude multisells for non-HB Items.
- Fixed Avadon Leather Armor recipe.
- Fixed Cruma Level 85 max to 99.

Ostatnio edytowany przez L2Citadel (2014-10-01 10:46:21)


#3 2014-12-27 20:21:37



Zarejestrowany: 2014-09-03
Posty: 6
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Re: [Preview]L2Citadel Hellbound [OFF]

Some good updates today. Open beta going very well!

Kilka dobrych aktualizacje dzi¶ . Otwarta beta będzie bardzo dobrze!

http://l2citadel.com/forums/topic/27-ch … #entry7520



#4 2015-01-17 14:58:53


Rada Klanu

Zarejestrowany: 2010-05-27
Posty: 97
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Re: [Preview]L2Citadel Hellbound [OFF]

Proponuje w niedziele wejsc na tsa i dogadac sie co do servera mysle ze godzina 13 bedzie dobra


#5 2015-01-21 04:13:45



Zarejestrowany: 2014-09-03
Posty: 6
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Re: [Preview]L2Citadel Hellbound [OFF]

2 days to opening don't miss it

Race To Aden Event Announced

First clan to engrave Aden Castle win 250 Euro



#6 2015-01-21 13:28:53


Clan Member

Zarejestrowany: 2010-06-06
Posty: 18
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Re: [Preview]L2Citadel Hellbound [OFF]

to juz wiem gdzie bedzie najwieksze pvp ;]


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